Friday, November 26, 2010

When two and two become one...

We all have 5 different love languages. Some of us may have one, or a combination of some. There are real special people out there with all five. The good news is that they can also be developed. Welcome to Love Languages where Relationships Rule!!!

1. Affirmation 2. Gifts 3. Doing 4. Time and
5. Touch

Affirmation: "1 Corinthians 8:1" "Love edifies" One of the ways to express love is to use words... E.g. "You look Gorgeous" "I really appreciate how hard you have been working"

Gifts: This is universal. It need not be expensive, it really is the thought that counts.

Doing: Cooking a meal, washing dishes, cleaning the car. Doing something that you know some else doesn't have the time to do, or if they appear not be very good in that area...Appreciation is a good stage for intimacy.

Time: "Quality Time" There is nothing more special than giving yourself, talking, watching a show together, walking, working out together, there are so many ways to express the language of quality time...This particular one can get very interesting. This is where the emotions start to connect...(most women primary language)

Touch: Holding hands, embracing, sexual intercourse, touching on shoulders, rubbing necks, placing hands on legs, touching feet...(most men primary language)

Everyone has a primary, and most of the time like they say "opposites attract"; and most of the time we have the opposite love languages with the ones we fall for.

"One plus one equal one may not be an accurate mathematical concept, but it is an accurate description of God's intention for the marriage relationship. That is an accurate description of God's purpose for the marriage relationship.

Genesis 2:24

"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh" This includes the wife leaving too...

Proverbs 14:23"In all labor there is profit", no where is that more true than marriage and good relationships. It's work. Good relationships do not just happen.

They are a result of dedicated, diligent, consistent prayers and work on both parts.


please feel free to leave a post, question, comment, poem, expression, link...



  1. Very good, understanding your partner's love language is important. At times you may feel as if you're giving it a 100% but yet your effort goes unnoticed or unappreciated. Because you love flowers doesn't mean that your partner appreciate flowers. Take the time to ask them and also observe what makes them smile.

  2. I have apar of all the love language but strong in two or three. This has been very much on point and I appreciate the writer of this blog. Thanks for the research and time you put into it.

